Sunday, May 23, 2010
Journey through past
3000BC-ancient civilizations developed in Sumer,Mesopotamia,Crete and started.This is the time when Sumerians developed cuneiform writing.
3100BC-This is the time when King Menes united Upper and Lower Egypt.
3100BC-2700BC-Early Dynastic period developed which gave rise to hieroglyphic writing and when Government,administrative,technical and artistic skills developed.
2700-2200BC-The rise of Strong provincial powers finally declined Pharaoh's power threby ending the Old Kingdom.
2600-2500BC-Around this period Pharaoh khufu built the pyramids of Giza which were about 481 feet tall and its sides average is 776 feet at the the base,which is one among the seven wonders of the world.
2300-2180BC-The Akkadian empire(great empire in Mesopotamia which now known as iraq)ruler sargon ruled from 2340-2305 and conquered lands surrounding its capital,Akkad.By the beggining of 2180BC the empire went into the hands of barbarians tribes.
2000-1786BC-Middle kingdom of Egypt's period began when Amenemhet 1 seized the power at the city of Thebes(2000BC).Then by 1786 power of the Middle kingdom slowly declined and came to an end.
1763-1600BC-Empire in Mesopotamia created by Hummurabi(1792-1750),ruler of city of Babylon,who is best known for having created the law code.The Empire finally fell in the hands of kassites in about 1600BC.
1720-1570BC-During 1720 a group of Semitive people called Hykos made themselves the masters of Egypt.They moved the empire from Thebes to Avaris Tanis in the Nile Delta.They introduced horse and chariot to Egypt.However they were finally defeted(1570)by Amasis I in yhe battle of Tanis.
3100BC-This is the time when King Menes united Upper and Lower Egypt.
3100BC-2700BC-Early Dynastic period developed which gave rise to hieroglyphic writing and when Government,administrative,technical and artistic skills developed.
2700-2200BC-The rise of Strong provincial powers finally declined Pharaoh's power threby ending the Old Kingdom.
2600-2500BC-Around this period Pharaoh khufu built the pyramids of Giza which were about 481 feet tall and its sides average is 776 feet at the the base,which is one among the seven wonders of the world.
2300-2180BC-The Akkadian empire(great empire in Mesopotamia which now known as iraq)ruler sargon ruled from 2340-2305 and conquered lands surrounding its capital,Akkad.By the beggining of 2180BC the empire went into the hands of barbarians tribes.
2000-1786BC-Middle kingdom of Egypt's period began when Amenemhet 1 seized the power at the city of Thebes(2000BC).Then by 1786 power of the Middle kingdom slowly declined and came to an end.
1763-1600BC-Empire in Mesopotamia created by Hummurabi(1792-1750),ruler of city of Babylon,who is best known for having created the law code.The Empire finally fell in the hands of kassites in about 1600BC.
1720-1570BC-During 1720 a group of Semitive people called Hykos made themselves the masters of Egypt.They moved the empire from Thebes to Avaris Tanis in the Nile Delta.They introduced horse and chariot to Egypt.However they were finally defeted(1570)by Amasis I in yhe battle of Tanis.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
May 23rd Top Ten Heaadlines
- Mangalore crash: 2 probes ordered, hunt on for black box
- Air crashes: Tired pilots, crew a recipe for disaster?
- Soon, higher taxes to curb binge drinking
- CAG to have a say in babus' appraisals
- 'Spurned' lover slashes girl's face at her wedding
- Canada says it respects India's armed forces
- Madan Tamang killing: GJM chief, wife named
- Facebook cartoon: Pak blocks 800 URLs
- Indian, American teen on top of Mt Everest
- Sallu’s 'Qaidi No 210' in trouble '
- Chemo bomb' more effective in cancer treatment
- Teaching should be highest paid job: Aamir
- Artificial life or plain genetic engineering?
- Pakistan to hike defence budget to Rs 448 billion
- Talks on with BJP, Congress: Shibu Soren
- IPL may copy NBA model next year
- Canadian slur on BSF leaves Centre fuming
- Environment group blames air crash on faulty runway construction
May 22nd Top Ten Headlines
- 159 killed as Air India plane crashes in Mangalore
- Fortunate to be alive: Mangalore air crash survivor
- 13-year-old becomes youngest to top Mount Everest
- Artificial life or plain genetic engineering?
- IPL may copy NBA model next year
- Canadian slur on BSF leaves Centre fuming
- Jaswant Singh on his way back into BJP fold?
- Muslim boy faces khap ire for same-gotra marriage
- Valmiki was never a dacoit: Punjab & Haryana HC
- Sallu refuses to play college student
- Teaching should be highest paid job: Aamir
- Home ministry to decide on Afzal plea: Delhi CM
- After Facebook and Youtube, Pak blocks Twitter
Home country nod must for rent-a-womb couples - Dalit teacher kills self over insult by colleague
- Gorkha leader Tamang killed, Darjeeling tense
- Pak celebs to walk the ramp for Salman
- BSF a violent force: Canadian High Commission
Friday, May 21, 2010
Rani Laxshmi Bai's real photo
Recent updates in the columns of the newspaper tells us that this is the real photo of Rani laxshmi B

Vithalrao Yalgi told Indian Express that he received the photograph from a person called Thakur, whose father and grandfather took part in the freedom struggle.Yalgi said that the photograph would be unveiled at the Swatantrya Yodha Bhavan in Belgaum on November 19th as that was the Birthday of Rani Laxmibai.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Holy Thirukkural

Greatness of Thirukkural :
Thirukkural is a precious gem among the classics, unique in the
deliverance of code of conduct to the mankind to follow for all time
to come. It enshrines in it 1330 couplets under 133 chapters, each
chapter comprising 10 verses. The chapters again fall under three
major divisions. Virtue, Wealth and Love. This treatise
encompasses the whole gamut of human life and by Thiruvalluvar,
its illustrious author illuminates every bit of it! This classical work
written in Tamil, has been translated in over 60 languages of the
The Government of Tamil nadu had a vision (for beyond) the
Horizon. Yes to rise a statue for Thiruvalluvar in Kanyakumari, the
southern tip of the mainland at the confluence of the three seas
befitting the stature of this Saint-poet. The statue that was
dedicated at the dawn of the new millennium, stands out as a
beacon of light to guide human life for ever.

Measures adopted for the statue of Thiruvalluvar :
The statue with 95' and the pedestial supporting it with 38ft, the
structure is thus a standing mammoth commanding a total height of 133 feet. An artistic peripheral wall
around the statue, thereby forms a captivating mandap.
The measures what they stands for? :
The pedestal represents the 38 chapters on 'Virtue' and the 95' statue standing on the pedestal
represents 'Wealth' and 'Pleasure' signifying that Wealth and Love be earned and enjoyed on the
foundation of Virtue solid.
The rocks for the sculpture came from :
Sirudhamoor, Pattumalaikuppam Hills and Ambhasamudram Hills.
Statistical details of the statue :
Statistical details of the statue
Height of the statue 95 feet
Height of the pedestial 38 feet
Statue along with the pedestial 133 feet
Height of the face 10 feet
Height of the body part 30 feet
Height of the thigh part 30 feet
Height of the leg part 20 feet
Fore arm 10 feet
Length of the manuscript 10 feet
Width of the shoulder 30 feet
Length of the hairdo 5 feet
Peripheral wall including the statue &
60 * 50
10 Elephants, each as tall as 5' 6 inches
Weight of the pedestial, statue and the wall 7000 tones
Sculptures and other worksmen 500
Cheif Scultptor : Thiru V.Ganapathi sthapathi
Planned and Organised by Dr.M.Karunanidhi.
Monday, May 17, 2010
The Great War

Jhansi became the focal point of uprising. Rani of Jhansi began to strengthen her position. By seeking the support of others, she formed a volunteer army. The army not just consisted of the men folk, but the women were also actively involved. Women were also given military training to fight a battle. In the revolt, Rani Lakshmibai was accompanied by her generals.
From the period between Sep-Oct 1857, Rani defended Jhansi from being invaded by the armies of the neighboring rajas of Orchha and Datia. In January 1858, the British army headed it's away towards Jhansi. The conflict went on for two weeks. Finally, the Britishers succeeded in the annexation of the city. However, Rani Laksmi Bai managed to escape along with her son, in the guise of a man.
She took refuge in Kalpi, where she met Tatya Tope, a great warrior. She died on 17thJune, during the battle for Gwalior. It is believed that, when she was lying unconscious in the battle field, a Brahmin found her and brought her to an ashram, where she died. For her immense effort, she is referred to as the 'Icon of the Indian Nationalist Movement'. Throughout the uprising, the aim of Rani was to secure the throne for her adopted son Damodar. Her story became a beacon for the upcoming generations of freedom fighters.

Lot of literature has been written on the life history of Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi. Heroic poems have been composed in her honor.
British misrule in India

The British Rule in Jhansi, initiated the process of the insidious but steady decline of Jhansi. The Indian aristocracy and institutions were handed a death blow. The troops were cut; a few British officials replaced several Indian functionaries
A decline in the traditional economy followed swiftly. There was little market now for the fine carpets, brass work and carved furniture of which Jhansi had boasted; craftsmen became idle along with soldiers and shopkeepers. John Sullivan wrote “with the disappearance of the native court trade languished, the capital decayed, the people became impoverished while the Englishman flourished and acted like a sponge, drawing up riches from the Ganges and squeezing them down upon the banks of the Thames” [11]
Local religious considerations were obnoxiously set aside…cow slaughter was sanctioned. The temple of Lakshmi, for which revenue from two villages was set aside, was deprived of its income despite the Commissioner Gordon’s request to maintain the previous arrangement. In spite of the vigorous protests made by the Rani, on behalf of her people; the appeals were met with either callous contempt or an infuriating indifference.
Throughout her ordeal, which included losing her husband coupled with her dethronement; her composure and silent resolve to not fore go her people and her son’s future were astonishing to say the least. That, she could actually win over both foreigners who never in their wildest dreams believed that an Indian woman could present her so forcefully and coherently; and even the conservative Marathi Brahmin's despite her less than pious lifestyle expected of a high caste Hindu widow is indeed remarkable. That she was compared to Durga and Kali; the Hindu warrior goddesses are ample testimony to the fact that how she had sagaciously wielded religiosity as a political tool; verily the most powerful weapon in her arsenal. Tapti Roy says of her “She was the archetype of a devoted wife, a devout Hindu woman, a patron of the Brahmins and finally the wronged Rani, smarting under injustice of white rulers and fighting for the cause of her people much like Durga did in Hindu tradition.”
Meanwhile, John Lang, although a casual newcomer to the town could sum up the public feeling “the people of Jhansi did not wish to be handed over to the East India company’s rule”
But the British agents like Capt. Skene were in a different zone altogether and could not sense any danger even as late as May 18, 1857!
Annexation of Jhansi
J W Dalrymple; the under secretary to the governor generation sent specific instructions to Malcolm who in February 1854 issued a promulgation which merely said that “the governor general had declined to confirm and sanction the said adoption.” The difficult task of breaking the news to the Rani fell on Major Ellis, the man who had always maintained a soft corner both for her and the kingdom of Jhansi.
Ellis called on Rani, on the 16th of March. Without much ado, he read the contents of the letter. The news came as a thunderbolt to the already apprehensive Rani but she said in a firm and determined voice “Apni Jhansi nahi dungi” – “I will not give my Jhansi”
Some vulgar Marxist historians have made much of the above statement. They have claimed that it betrays a feudal mindset on the part of the Rani. On the contrary, this statement only asserts the Rani’s bond with her kingdom and her citizens were of the highest order; she belonged to Jhansi and all of Jhansi belonged to her; their affection towards each other was perfectly mutual. In her; her people found the embodiment of the perfect ruler; in them she saw her lifeblood. Moreover, the very fact that the Rani led such an inconspicuous lifestyle, oblivious to the decadent charms that feudal lordship had to offer naturally smashes to smithereens all doubts cast on her motives behind desiring to retain Jhansi.
As the news spread, gloom and sorrow spread across the town. It was the day of Holi; the festival of colour; of gaiety and wild abandon. But people of Jhansi did not play Holi that day; and since then Holi is not celebrated in Jhansi as a mark of remembrance for the solemn occasion. [10] Elsewhere, it was a day of mourning. The shops remained closed, no fires were lits. Thousands of people went to the palace barefoot and bareheaded; the Hindu sign of grief. The Rani consoled them, and asked them to return home.
As Ellis proceeded to complete the formalities like disbanding the Rani’s army; paying off the servants; the Rani retired into her chambers. She wept bitterly that day; and refused to touch any food or water.
The Rani subsequently moved to a modest three storeyed structure; the Rani Mahal.
The only provision favorable to her was that her son was allowed to retain the private property of his father. Even that came with a cache. The rani while being the legal guardian could not use the money or take decisions for her son’s future. For instance; when she decided to borrow money for her son’s thread ceremony from the amount; the British government refused it. The Raja had some outstanding debts, which were settled from his private account rather than the state account. She was offered a petty 5000 rupees lifetime monthly pension. Dalhousie’s absolute disregard for the aspirations of the Rani can be gauged from the fact; that he refused to even hand over the state jewels and private funds remaining after settling the state accounts and which naturally belonged to the Rani. This also once again displays the pathetically pervert mindset of the Marcus of Dalhousie.
Soon, she started writing to several British authorities arguing her case. She was able to convince several people of the injustice meted out to her. She also consulted the famous lawyer John Lang, who matter of factly told her that futile would be any opposition. Lang was clearly overawed by the occasion for she was truly an extraordinary woman, who was at once clever, impulsive and polite and could mix in the right degree of womanly charm and strength of character befitting a ruler concerned about the interests of her kingdom, her subjects and her son. Her fluctuating moods, changing from anger to light hearted banter, her quick temper melting into a frivolous giggle, fascinated her visitor. [John Lang]
For the next three years; although uneventful in themselves were to set stage for bigger things to come. A hatred for all things British enveloped the town of Jhansi. The annexation they used to say was worse than the murders committed by the thugs, who robbed and strangled people only one at a time; for Dalhousie had put a noose round the necks of the entire people.
Ellis called on Rani, on the 16th of March. Without much ado, he read the contents of the letter. The news came as a thunderbolt to the already apprehensive Rani but she said in a firm and determined voice “Apni Jhansi nahi dungi” – “I will not give my Jhansi”
Some vulgar Marxist historians have made much of the above statement. They have claimed that it betrays a feudal mindset on the part of the Rani. On the contrary, this statement only asserts the Rani’s bond with her kingdom and her citizens were of the highest order; she belonged to Jhansi and all of Jhansi belonged to her; their affection towards each other was perfectly mutual. In her; her people found the embodiment of the perfect ruler; in them she saw her lifeblood. Moreover, the very fact that the Rani led such an inconspicuous lifestyle, oblivious to the decadent charms that feudal lordship had to offer naturally smashes to smithereens all doubts cast on her motives behind desiring to retain Jhansi.
As the news spread, gloom and sorrow spread across the town. It was the day of Holi; the festival of colour; of gaiety and wild abandon. But people of Jhansi did not play Holi that day; and since then Holi is not celebrated in Jhansi as a mark of remembrance for the solemn occasion. [10] Elsewhere, it was a day of mourning. The shops remained closed, no fires were lits. Thousands of people went to the palace barefoot and bareheaded; the Hindu sign of grief. The Rani consoled them, and asked them to return home.
As Ellis proceeded to complete the formalities like disbanding the Rani’s army; paying off the servants; the Rani retired into her chambers. She wept bitterly that day; and refused to touch any food or water.
The Rani subsequently moved to a modest three storeyed structure; the Rani Mahal.
The only provision favorable to her was that her son was allowed to retain the private property of his father. Even that came with a cache. The rani while being the legal guardian could not use the money or take decisions for her son’s future. For instance; when she decided to borrow money for her son’s thread ceremony from the amount; the British government refused it. The Raja had some outstanding debts, which were settled from his private account rather than the state account. She was offered a petty 5000 rupees lifetime monthly pension. Dalhousie’s absolute disregard for the aspirations of the Rani can be gauged from the fact; that he refused to even hand over the state jewels and private funds remaining after settling the state accounts and which naturally belonged to the Rani. This also once again displays the pathetically pervert mindset of the Marcus of Dalhousie.
Soon, she started writing to several British authorities arguing her case. She was able to convince several people of the injustice meted out to her. She also consulted the famous lawyer John Lang, who matter of factly told her that futile would be any opposition. Lang was clearly overawed by the occasion for she was truly an extraordinary woman, who was at once clever, impulsive and polite and could mix in the right degree of womanly charm and strength of character befitting a ruler concerned about the interests of her kingdom, her subjects and her son. Her fluctuating moods, changing from anger to light hearted banter, her quick temper melting into a frivolous giggle, fascinated her visitor. [John Lang]
For the next three years; although uneventful in themselves were to set stage for bigger things to come. A hatred for all things British enveloped the town of Jhansi. The annexation they used to say was worse than the murders committed by the thugs, who robbed and strangled people only one at a time; for Dalhousie had put a noose round the necks of the entire people.
Rani's defence against Dalhousie's plot

Realizing the gravity of the situation, the Rani immediately set forth a self composed legal document arguing forth her case. She referred to the treaties of 1817 and 1842, granted in recognition to the ‘uniform and faithful’ attachment of Britain of the ruling house of Jhansi. The second article of the treaty of 1817 confirmed the title of Ramachandra Rao and his heirs and successors which included adoption. Next, the Rani showcased the Hindu scriptures granting absolute legitimacy to adopted sons, for offering liberation to the departed manes. But the most compelling argument she reserved for the last. Adoption made by three Rajas in the neighborhood of Jhansi [Including the Rajput kingdoms of Datia and Orcha] were sanctioned by the British government, although the term ‘perpetuity’ did not occur in their treaties as it did in the treaties with Jhansi.
Ellis took the points well and wrote to Malcolm on 24th Dec, 1853 “we have a treaty of alliance and friendship with the Jhansi as well as Orcha states, and I cannot discover any difference in the terms of the two states which would justify our withholding the privilege of adoption from one state and allowing it to the other.”
On the 16th of Feb, 1854, she further rammed the point home in a second petition to avoid any misconstruction of the language used in the treaties. The words warison [heirs] and janishinan [successors] where the former referred to natural and the latter to adopted heirs, in the event of there being no natural heir. She continued “treaties are studied with the utmost care before ratification; and it is not supposed that the term janishinan used to contradistinction to warison was introduced in an important document of this kind, of the authority almost of a revelation from heaven without a precise understanding of meaning” [9]
Indeed, in both these petitions, one comes across another vital ingredient of the Rani’s character and that is her intellectual acumen. One cannot but help admire the skills of these petitions; accurate in their facts, clear in their logic and moderate in tone something even more remarkable for the timeline in which she ruled; where intellectual traditions among Indian women were almost nonexistent. As Tahmankar sums up “It might be true to say that this remarkable young woman entered single handedly on her contest with Lord Dalhousie and if he had ever any intention of letting the decision depend on the merits of the case; she would have won it; hands down.”
Lord Dalhousie, intention was solely to usurp the kingdom of Jhansi, and for this he was prepared to wage any number of pseudo legal arguments. The specious argument proposed by him was unlike Datia and Orcha which were Rajput kingdoms; Jhansi was never an independent principality.
This argument which abounds in fallacies and distortions has been effectively demolished by Indian writers such as Basu and Parasnis. But even a British writer of Dalhousie’s day, Major Evans Bell proved conclusively that the Raja of Jhansi was a hereditary sovereign. [9]
Laxshmi Bai as Queen

The position of widows in the Indian civilization has always been gloomy, and that reached its nadir in the 18th and 19th centuries. Moreover, she, as one belonging to a traditional Brahmin family was expected to fulfill the norms of a virtuous wife which included shaving her head, wearing white, and remaining in seclusion. But the emancipative spirit of the Rani refused to comply with mores, which essentially hindered her administrative prowess. She kept wearing her hair long, often wore jewelry, and put aside the custom of Purdah, which although originally unessential in India, had become the norm in Islamic India especially among high caste Hindu and Islamic women. Yet, in a shrewd move she maintained Purdah while communicating with British officers.
Getting rid of Purdah was also a vital means to establish a winning rapport with the public. A british writer, Meadows Taylor writes “she had no affections of personal concealment, and she sat daily on the throne of her deceased husband, hearing reports, giving directions, hearing petitions, and comforting herself as a brave minded woman had to do under the circumstances.”
Vishnu Godse’s eyewitness account says of her “she rose as early as three in the morning, and after ablutions, sat for religious meditation till eight. Then for three hours she supervised the work in the political and military offices; when it was finished she distributed alms to the needy and distressed. She took her meal at midday and appeared again at the court at 3. The afternoon was devoted to the administration of the various departments of justice, revenue and accounts which lasted till sunset. She read the scriptures in the evening, and after a simple dinner, retired for the night”
The Rani’s unostentatious lifestyle is in stark contrast, to the decadent lifestyle of contemporary kings. For instance, the last Mughal emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar was so decadent that he had his slave girls perform his morning ablutions for him. Yet, for some inexplicable reason the historian William Dalrymple in his recent book “The last mughal”, finds a Sufi mystic enshrined in the same fellow!
Death of Raja Gagadhar Rao
Days passed by and the baby was unwell and died when he was just four months old.there were mourning everywhere.Both Raja and Rani could not come out of this sorrow.Gangadhar rao was unwell as could not bear this loss and he was worried as there was no heir to his throne after his death.Due to this situation Raja and Rani adopted Damodar Rao as their son and Rani bore more love and affetion towards his adopted son. The raja was heartbroken, and became increasingly eccentric and soon began to be consumed by repeated episodes of bloody diarrhea.
. Dalhousie and the Doctrine of Lapse
Dalhousie was perhaps the most ambitious of the governor generals in India. He was the first to destroy the power of the Punjab, and annex it. He ordered fresh enlistment in the army for expeditions into Burma. His final stroke was the annexation of Oudh, reasons being gross mismanagement by the Nawab. But his most audacious gamble was to proclaim the doctrine of lapse, which in Major Bell’s words “a disastrous and rapacious policy.”
According to this promulgation, the British government would directly annex any state whose king left no natural heirs, although traditional Hindu law allowed kings to adopt sons, to continue their rule and lineage. Surprisingly, the so called British fairplay was nowhere in sight, as not even a single question was raised in the British parliament against this move of Dalhousie. Blinded by greed, and the 4 million pounds in excess revenue generated in its wake, the queen and the British public left no stone unturned in eulogizing Dalhousie and deluging him with congratulatory texts. Indeed, at that moment, Britain for all its intellectual traditions, betrayed its real worth as a parochial nation of shopkeepers.
Satara, a kingdom in Maharashtra became the first victim of this farcical policy. It was soon followed by Jaitpur and Sambalpur in 1849. The next in line was the kingdom of Jhansi.
The Fate of Jhansi
Gangadhar Rao’s condition progressively worsened, and sensing the approaching danger, and to prevent the state from lapsing into British hands, he decided to adopt Damodar Rao, a child of around five, from the same family tree of the Nevalkar family. The deed was done in the presence of the principal nobles of his court and Major Ellis, political agent of Jhansi and Captain Martin, officer commanding Jhansi contingents [7] the king asked the British to remember his fidelity towards them, and treat the child and the widow to whom he had vested administrative rights with utmost kindness. Gangadhar Rao died in November, 1853, and rendered Lakshmi Bai, widow and queen possibly under the illusion that ‘native fidelity would be rewarded’ by the British masters.
. Dalhousie and the Doctrine of Lapse
Dalhousie was perhaps the most ambitious of the governor generals in India. He was the first to destroy the power of the Punjab, and annex it. He ordered fresh enlistment in the army for expeditions into Burma. His final stroke was the annexation of Oudh, reasons being gross mismanagement by the Nawab. But his most audacious gamble was to proclaim the doctrine of lapse, which in Major Bell’s words “a disastrous and rapacious policy.”
According to this promulgation, the British government would directly annex any state whose king left no natural heirs, although traditional Hindu law allowed kings to adopt sons, to continue their rule and lineage. Surprisingly, the so called British fairplay was nowhere in sight, as not even a single question was raised in the British parliament against this move of Dalhousie. Blinded by greed, and the 4 million pounds in excess revenue generated in its wake, the queen and the British public left no stone unturned in eulogizing Dalhousie and deluging him with congratulatory texts. Indeed, at that moment, Britain for all its intellectual traditions, betrayed its real worth as a parochial nation of shopkeepers.
Satara, a kingdom in Maharashtra became the first victim of this farcical policy. It was soon followed by Jaitpur and Sambalpur in 1849. The next in line was the kingdom of Jhansi.
The Fate of Jhansi
Gangadhar Rao’s condition progressively worsened, and sensing the approaching danger, and to prevent the state from lapsing into British hands, he decided to adopt Damodar Rao, a child of around five, from the same family tree of the Nevalkar family. The deed was done in the presence of the principal nobles of his court and Major Ellis, political agent of Jhansi and Captain Martin, officer commanding Jhansi contingents [7] the king asked the British to remember his fidelity towards them, and treat the child and the widow to whom he had vested administrative rights with utmost kindness. Gangadhar Rao died in November, 1853, and rendered Lakshmi Bai, widow and queen possibly under the illusion that ‘native fidelity would be rewarded’ by the British masters.
Caring Mother

It was the morning good friday and Laxshmi Bai gave birth to a baby boy on 1851 when she was just 16 years old,he was very cute who resembled a royal look like his mother.The whole kingdom was very happy and there was celebrations everywhere.Laxshmi Bai and Gangadhar Rao were very happy their happiness had no bounds.Rani took good care of her baby,she ued to take him everywhere.Rani took good care of her baby and did not leav him alone for a single minute.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Manu's Marriage

After her marriage, Laxmibai came to Jhansi as a queen with shower of joy,
A grand celebration took place in the royal palace of Jhansi. That was a good luck for Bandelos that she came to Jhansi,
That was as Chitra met with Arjun or Shiv had got his beloved Bhavani (Durga).
After marriage Manu was named Laxshmi Bai by the king of Jhansi as she resembled very bright as Laxshmi.After marriage too manu continued to do reforms against britishers for the wellfare of Jhansi without Maharaja's notice.Gangadhar Rao was a soft natured person who had a forgiving nature.
Recent Discovery About Jhansi Ki Rani

A previously undiscovered letter written by one of India's best known female rebels against British colonial rule has been found by academics.
The letter was written by Lakshmibai, Rani of Jhansi, shortly before the Indian mutiny - or first war of independence - in 1857.
It has been found in London in the archives of the British Library.
The Rani of Jhansi has often been called the "Joan of Arc" of the Indian independence struggle.
Academics say the discovery of the letter is hugely significant, because so little historical evidence from the Rani of Jhansi's lifetime exists.

In 1857 the Rani joined the rebellion against the British and personally led her troops in battle. At one point she was captured by EIC troops but subsequently made a daring escape from a fort.
"Whatever the truth, the story of a female leader battling for her kingdom against the might of the EIC fired the nationalistic imagination when the contested history of 1857 came to be written".
"This a letter written by an iconic talisman for the nationalist narrative in India, and her equestrian statue can be found in town squares all over the country."
A Brave Girl

When one of the young men overtook her, the little girl galloped her horse faster and overtook him. Was the young man to accept defeat? Of course, he tried to overtake her but his horse stumbled and he feel down.
"O Manoo, I am dead"
When she heard that sorrowful cry, the girl rode back. The young man had been hurt and was bleeding. With difficulty she lifted him mad him sit on her horse. By that time the other rider also joined them. All the three returned to the palace.
When the horse returned without the rider, Baji Rao the Second, the Peshwa of the Mahrata Empire, was quite disturbed. Although Moropanth who was with him tried to soothe him, his mind was troubled. When his children returned he breathed a sigh of relief.The injured youth was Baji Rao’s adopted son Nana Saheb and his companion, his younger brother Rao Saheb. The girl was Manubai, the only daughter of Moropanth, a member of the Peshwa’s council.
When they returned home Moropanth said:
"Manu, how unfortunate! Nana has been seriously hurt."
"Not so, father; he has been hurt just a little. Did not Abhimanyu continue to fight although seriously injured?"
"Those times were different, Manu."
"What is the difference, father? It is the same sky, the same earth. The sun and the moon are also the same."
"But Manu, the fortunes of the country have changed. This is the age of British. We are powerless before them."
The father’s reasoning did not appeal to the daughter. The father himself had taught her the lessons of the lives and the examples of the saintly Seeta, the brave Jeejabai and the brave Tarabai.
Another incident happened in the same town of Bethur: Nana saheb and Rao Saheb went out on an elephant. Baji Rao wanted to send Manubai with them. Moropanth also wished it. But their wish was not fulfilled. Nana Saheb asked the mahout to move on. Manu was disappointed.
The father said to the daughter when they were back home: "Manu, we must move with the times. Are we chieftains or kings to ride elephants? We should not wish for something for which we are not destined."
"No, not so, father; I am destined to own not one but several elephants," replied Manu.
"So, be it."
"Father dear, I will not practise shooting with a rifle," so saying she left.
Observing her manly qualities Moropanth was troubled.
Rani's Early Life
Lakshmi bai, The Rani (Queen) of Jhansi (c.19 November 1835 – 17 June 1858) (Devanagari- झाँसी की रानी Marathi- झाशीची राणी), known as Jhansi Ki Rani, the queen of the Maratha-ruled princely state of Jhansi, was one of the leading figures of the Indian Rebellion of 1857, and a symbol of resistance to British rule in India. She has gone down in Indian history as a legendary figure, the firebrand who began the Indian Revolution against British Colonialism.
Originally named Manikarnika at birth ( nicknamed Manu ) , she was born on 19 November 1835 at Kashi (Varanasi) to a Marathi Karhade Brahmin family from Dhawadshi, Districaji Rao the Second was the Peshwa only in name. The British East India Company was paying him a pension of eight lakh rupees a year and had given the ‘jagir’ (the free gift) of Bethur.
Bhagirathibai was the wife of Moropanth. She was good-looking, cultured, intelligent and godly. Manubai was the daughter of this ideal couple.The child, born on the Second day of Karthika (the 19th of November 1835) was beautiful like her mother. She had a broad forehead and big eyes. Her face reflected royalty.
Manu lost her mother when she was four years old. The entire duty of bringing up the daughter fell on the father. Along with formal education she acquired skill in sword fight, horse riding and shooting with a gun.
t Satara, Maharashtra. She lost her mother at the age of four. She was educated at home. Her father Moropant Tambey worked at the court of Peshwa Baji Rao II at Bithur.

Originally named Manikarnika at birth ( nicknamed Manu ) , she was born on 19 November 1835 at Kashi (Varanasi) to a Marathi Karhade Brahmin family from Dhawadshi, Districaji Rao the Second was the Peshwa only in name. The British East India Company was paying him a pension of eight lakh rupees a year and had given the ‘jagir’ (the free gift) of Bethur.
Bhagirathibai was the wife of Moropanth. She was good-looking, cultured, intelligent and godly. Manubai was the daughter of this ideal couple.The child, born on the Second day of Karthika (the 19th of November 1835) was beautiful like her mother. She had a broad forehead and big eyes. Her face reflected royalty.
Manu lost her mother when she was four years old. The entire duty of bringing up the daughter fell on the father. Along with formal education she acquired skill in sword fight, horse riding and shooting with a gun.
t Satara, Maharashtra. She lost her mother at the age of four. She was educated at home. Her father Moropant Tambey worked at the court of Peshwa Baji Rao II at Bithur.
story of a warrior lady

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