- Saina Nehwal wins Indonesian Open, scores hat-trick
- Unfair to say Pakistan has not done enough: Qureshi
- Caught in caste tangle, lovers 'commit suicide' in Haryana
- Am one of the most watched scandal on net: Swami
- IITs say no to common engineering entrance test
- Beggar who gave alms to the poor
- All eyes on Raj Thackeray son's medium of study
- NSG meet steers clear of China-Pakistan nuke deal
- Kill Switch in Google Android!
- Bebo ditches Lolo for Saif
- Ghana stun US for World Cup quarterfinal berth
- Lashkar and ISI united in pan-Islamic terror: Headley
Sunday, June 27, 2010
June 27th Top Ten Headlines
An Ideal Teacher

Arriving in the classroom actively
being welcomed by students warmly
Holding the chalk artistically
Expanding lessons sincerely
lecturing on the topic impressively
Asking qutions frequently
Correcting errors minutely
Valuing answers objectively
Guiding students to shine brightly
Understanding them lovingly
Treating one and all equally
Saturday, June 26, 2010
How To Make Your Life Sucessful
We can become sucessful not only by competing others,intead by doing our best in what we want to achieve and also encouraging those who are competing us to achieve the same goal.You should not only make your life luxurious but also try to help the needy.Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.
Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired. Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat. Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.
Each one of them is Jesus in disguise.
Everybody today seems to be in such a terrible rush, anxious for greater developments and greater riches and so on, so that children have very little time for their parents.Parents have very little time for each other, and in the home begins the disruption of peace of the world.
Good works are links that form a chain of love. Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world. I do not pray for success, I ask for faithfulness.
I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much. I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love. I think I'm more difficult than critical.
I want you to be concerned about your next door neighbor. Do you know your next door neighbor?
I try to give to the poor people for love what the rich could get for money. No, I wouldn't touch a leper for a thousand pounds; yet I willingly cure him for the love of God. " If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.
If we want a love message to be heard, it has got to be sent out.
To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it. If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one. If you judge people, you have no time to love them. If you want a love message to be heard, it has got to be sent out. To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it. In this life we cannot do great things.
We can only do small things with great love. Intense love does not measure, it just gives. It is a kingly act to assist the fallen. It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish. It is easy to love the people far away. It is not always easy to love those close to us.
It is easier to give a cup of rice to relieve hunger than to relieve the loneliness and pain of someone unloved in our own home. Bring love into your home for this is where our love for each other must start.
It is not the magnitude of our actions but the amount of love that is put into them that matters. It is impossible to walk rapidly and be unhappy Jesus said love one another. He didn't say love the whole world. Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.
Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.
Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go.
Let us more and more insist on raising funds of love, of kindness, of understanding, of peace. Money will come if we seek first the Kingdom of God - the rest will be given.
Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted according to the graces we have received and let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work.
Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.
Loneliness is the most terrible poverty.
Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do... but how much love we put in that action.
Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand.
Love begins by taking care of the closest ones - the ones at home.
Many people mistake our work for our vocation. Our vocation is the love of Jesus.
One of the greatest diseases is to be nobody to anybody.
Our life of poverty is as necessary as the work itself. Only in heaven will we see how much we owe to the poor for helping us to love God better because of them.
Peace begins with a smile.
So many signatures for such a small heart.
Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.
Sweetest Lord, make me appreciative of the dignity of my high vocation, and its many responsibilities. Never permit me to disgrace it by giving way to coldness, unkindness, or impatience.
The biggest disease today is not leprosy or tuberculosis, but rather the feeling of being unwanted.
The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion because if a mother can kill her own child, what is left for me to kill you and you to kill me? There is nothing between.
The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.
The most terrible poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved.
The miracle is not that we do this work, but that we are happy to do it.
The success of love is in the loving - it is not in the result of loving. Of course it is natural in love to want the best for the other person, but whether it turns out that way or not does not determine the value of what we have done.
There are no great things, only small things with great love. Happy are those.
There is always the danger that we may just do the work for the sake of the work. This is where the respect and the love and the devotion come in - that we do it to God, to Christ, and that's why we try to do it as beautifully as possible.
There is more hunger in the world for love and appreciation in this world than for bread.
There must be a reason why some people can afford to live well. They must have worked for it. I only feel angry when I see waste. When I see people throwing away things that we could use.
There should be less talk; a preaching point is not a meeting point. What do you do then? Take a broom and clean someone's house. That says enough.
We are all pencils in the hand of God.
We can do no great things, only small things with great love.
We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls.
We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.
We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.
We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty.
Words which do not give the light of Christ increase the darkness.
We, the unwilling,led by the unknowing,are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much,for so long,with so little,we are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
If you follow these you make your life sucessful,lovable and can engrave your name in golden letters in history.
How To Become A Topper
"How to Prepare for Exam?" A big question that you always ask yourself. Here are some tips that may help you. Dear student friends you people may be of different types. I know many of you, no all of you are so brilliant students.Yet there may be some problems regarding your studies Let's discuss it here.Many of you may be working hard and getting good marks and some of you may not be working hard but still manages to get high marks in exams,Others may be wondering how it happens?.And also there will be a few of you study well but still not able to score well in exams.Don't worry there are some very simple tips by following which you can become master. These tips will tell you 'How to prepare for Exams in Short time', 'How to prepare for a high school exam' as well as a competitive exam and even you can prepare for exams in a week just by following these tips. It will be even better if you follow this for a long period of time.
Exam Preparation Tips:
Actually there are no short cut to success this is the first thing you should remember. For this reason you have to study well first of all. But the preparations are different for different types of exams. Some competitive exams need long term preparation while your school level exam may need preparation of one or two weeks.
The 1st tip : Never fear or hate exam and be confident.
Some students study well but still may be much afraid of exams and due to this reason they get distracted and won't be able to score marks.So leave all your fears and free your mind before starting the study. You have to be confident and it is the most essential power you should have for attaining victory.
The 2nd tip: Prepare a good time table.
Prepare a time table before starting the study. This should include all the subjects but may not be with equal priority. Tough subjects can be given more time and easier ones less but most importantly some time shall be allotted for entertainment and also there should be sufficient intervals between each subject.
The 3rd tip: Select a proper atmosphere for studying.
No need to explain this point. Study atmosphere has very important role. Can anyone study well while watching TV? So select a place where you feel comfortable. That is where you feel relaxed and can concentrate. And you have to make sure that while you are studying a subject you are concentrating on it only. So keep the books of other subjects away from your eyesight so that you won't be upset about the things you have to learn. And importantly it is better to study early morning when all the surroundings will be in silence and you can concentrate more. Your concentration really counts. And one top secret Study facing east... This will really help you to score up to 15% more!!!
The 4th tip : Sit well
This is so important that you have to sit in proper manner while studying. Don't study on bed or lying on a chair instead sit straight. Keep your spinal cord straight. And try to place your legs parallel to ground, a little bit raised from the ground. Other wise placing the legs on the ground causes ionization and induces sleep. And be alert that legs are not above the head level. This will affect the blood flow direction and causes sleepiness. It is better to place the legs almost parallel to ground but a little lower.
The 5th tip : Make notes while studying.
This is a very important point. While studying make small notes and that should not be descriptive make theme brief so that you can remember all points while doing revision with the help of that note. An ideal note shall include all important formulae and figures and also other important points. It will be a lot worth if you use this not for the revision in last one or two hours than u skipping through pages of your text book. It won't take much time to go through this note and if you feel tough anywhere you can refer for that portion in text book.
The 6th tip: Sleep well and Eat well.
You have to sleep well.Sleep deprivation study shows that Optimum hrs for sleep is 6hrs. Especially on the night before exam you have to sleep well, atleast 6 hours and not more than 8 hrs. Remember this will have a great effect on your exam. And have your food as in your daily diet. Don't fast on exam day. This will have reverse effect, so please have food properly. There are some food items you have to avoid and some other you have to include in your diet on exam day. Check for them later in this article (in tips for parents),And don't forget to have a glass water before you go to bed, essential to keep your brain cells charged!!!
The 7th tip : Write and Present well.
The presentation is the major factor that affects your marks. Whatever you studied or prepared your marks will depend on how you present them in the answer sheet. The teachers may not be able to read all what you have written. Remember daily they are going through 30 to 40 papers.They will scan for points. So try to present answers in points. In essay questions don't forget to underline the important points . Your hand writing also affects your marks. Try to write neatly. if it is not good enough, don't worry, if you presented it in a good manner you can score more marks. And another important factor to remember, As we all know 'First impression is the best impression'. So, answer the questions you know well, first. This will create a good impression on the evaluator and though you couldn't write some last answers well, that won't deduct your mark much. And care shall be taken so that you manage time well and is able to attend all questions. If there is any question out of syllabus, you just attend it. Usually full marks are awarded for such questions.
The 8th tip: Never malpractise in exam hall.
Dear students never malpractise in exam hall as it may even affect your marks and also some times you won't be allowed to continue the exam. If you don't know answer don't write. Keep in mind that you are writing exam for you, to prove yourself. There will be no problem if you have followed the above steps, For sure you can score good marks.
The 9th tip: Believe in God, Believe in you.
The last but not the least point pray well before the exam and your mind should be free at least 5 minutes before exam. Pray can give immense energy and peace to your mind that will definitely do good for you.And it is much important that you are confident about what you can and will always produce pleasant result.
Also remember one thing please don't discuss soon after exams.This won't do good and may affect your coming exams.If your friends are discussing question paper avoid them and come to house soon.
And above all you think about your parents their difficulties and sufferings and how they care you , you owe to them much, don't you?. The best gift you can give them is your victory. So never disappoint your parents. Study is not for them they are compelling you to study for your future. And ultimately what I have to say is that You have a lot of opportunities now.If you are serious in your studies for a few years of your life then the remaining part of your life will be fruitful and you people shall never stop study after getting a degree or a small job always look for higher studies and aims big hurdles like CAT, GATE, GRE, IAS,IES etc.So think your self and try your best.
Parents do help your kid in studies
Tips for parents
Dear Parents I know how much you are concerned about your child's studies. But you also have to take some preparations.You can be your children's guide.So please do the following tips.
1: Often Visit your child's school and his/ her teachers and get feedback about your child.
2: Speak openly to your child so that he/she feels that they are safe to share any of their problems with you and thus keep a good understanding relation with your child. Don't blame them if they got low mark else give them confidence and gave them the feeling that you are always with them. This will increase their confidence.
3: Sit with your child and help them in their studies whenever you get time.And also help them in making a good time table.
4.Speak with them and try to make them aware about the importance of study and make them aware that you are caring their studies
5. Allow them also to play watch television etc. and if possible make them participate in some extra curricular activities. This will have a long term effect in your child's personality development.Remember a sound mind in a sound body so allow them to play well.
6.Be careful about the food items that you are giving them on exam days. It is better to avoid food items such as potato or tapioca on the day of exams and also food items with much chilly in it are not desirable.Try to avoid fried items which may contain fatty acid. Instead giving Curd, milk , honey, chocolate having cocoa with in it etc may do good. Also show cares in their sleep also allow them to sleep 6hrs.
7. While going to exam wish them and send them happily. Don't make them unhappy on exam day.
Some students may be suffering from over sleepness, deppression etc. Some of they need medical treatment take them to clinic. for example if over sleepness is there the haemoglobin level in blood may be low so check it and cure it. For deppression you may meet a counsellor. Parents have to be extra care full in these cases.
If you followed all this steps and write exam without fear and with prayer your success is a must, because you all are so brilliant students.
To conclude
I think this small article may help you to take some simple steps before exams that may help you to achieve good marks.I wish you all a very successful life. Dear friends remember, you are the future of this world. Contribution from each one of you will have an impact on the world. And it is your duty to serve the society. Be good and kind at heart. Do help your friends those who have difficulties in studies. Above all don't forget to enjoy the beauty of life, while competing for life. So find time to enjoy love everyone help others and be alert in your studies when the time comes and be cautious about your future. All the best, Go ahead with confidence, Life is definitely yours.
Hope you all liked this small article. If so please suggest this to your friends so that it will be useful for them too. And also rate the hub up so that it is available for more people. Thanks for reading.
June 26th Top Ten Headlines
- Pakistani terror suspect arrested in Zimbabwe: Police
- India for greater SAARC cooperation in combating terror
- FIFA acknowledges problems with Jabulani ball
- Yuvraj, Dravid back in Indian squad for Lanka Test series
- Delhi University second cutoff list out
- Revised fares for autorickshaw, taxi in Delhi
- India pleased yet guarded on nuke group's stand
- Saina storms into Indonesian Open Super Series final
- In Jatland, child marriages to prevent girls from eloping
- Kill Switch in Google Android!
- In Pics: Deepika jumps off a plane!
- Bubbly Viveka didn’t deserve this end: Fash frat
- Bebo ditches Lolo for Saif
- Are Asin and Dhoni more than friends?
- Avoid having an ugly break-up
- IPL council set to hang Lalit Modi
- World Cup: Spain and Chile advance to last 16
Jawaharlal Nehru's Brief Biography

Died: May 27, 1964
Achievements:Took active part in Non-Cooperation Movement ;elected as Congress President in 1936, 1937, and 1946; became first Prime Minister of independent India; was one of the main architects of Non Aligned Movement.
Jawaharlal Nehru, also known as Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, was one of the foremost leaders of Indian freedom struggle. He was the favourite disciple of Mahatma Gandhi and later on went on to become the first Prime Minister of India. Jawahar Lal Nehru is widely regarded as the architect of modern India. He was very fond of children and children used to affectionately call him Chacha Nehru.
Jawaharlal Nehru's Family
Jawahar Lal Nehru was born on November 14, 1889. His father Motilal Nehru was a famous Allahabad based barrister. Jawaharlal Nehru's mother's name was Swaroop Rani. Jawaharlal Nehru was the only son of Motilal Nehru. Motilal Nehru has three daughters apart from Jawaharlal Nehru. Nehrus were Saraswat Brahmin of Kashmiri lineage.
Nehru's Education
Jawaharlal Nehru received education in some of the finest schools and universities of the world. He did his schooling from Harrow and completed his Law degree from Trinity College, Cambridge. The seven years he spent in England widened his horizons and he acquired a rational and skeptical outlook and sampled Fabian socialism and Irish nationalism, which added to his own patriotic dedication.
Early Life
Jawaharlal Nehru returned to India in 1912 and started legal practice. He married Kamala Nehru in 1916. Jawahar Lal Nehru joined Home Rule League in 1917. His real initiation into politics came two years later when he came in contact with Mahatma Gandhi in 1919. At that time Mahatma Gandhi had launched a campaign against Rowlatt Act. Nehru was instantly attracted to Gandhi's commitment for active but peaceful, civil disobedience. Gandhi himself saw promise and India's future in the young Jawaharlal Nehru.
Nehru family changed its family according to Mahatma Gandhi's teachings. Jawaharlal and Motilal Nehru abandoned western clothes and tastes for expensive possessions and pastimes. They now wore a Khadi Kurta and Gandhi cap. Jawaharlal Nehru took active part in the Non- Cooperation Movement (1920-1922) and was arrested for the first time during the movement. He was released after few months.
Political Face Of Jawaharlal Nehru
Jawaharlal Nehru was elected President of the Allahabad Municipal Corporation in 1924, and served for two years as the city's chief executive. This proved to be a valuable administrative experience for stood him in good stead later on when he became the prime minister of the country. He used his tenure to expand public education, health care and sanitation. He resigned in 1926 citing lack of cooperation from civil servants and obstruction from British authorities.
From 1926 to 1928, Jawaharlal served as the General Secretary of the All India Congress Committee. In 1928-29, the Congress's annual session under President Motilal Nehru was held. During that session Jawaharlal Nehru and Subhas Chandra Bose backed a call for full political independence, while Motilal Nehru and others wanted dominion status within the British Empire. To resolve the point, Gandhi said that the British would be given two years to grant India dominion status. If they did not, the Congress would launch a national struggle for full, political independence. Nehru and Bose reduced the time of opportunity to one year. The British did not respond.
In December 1929, Congress's annual session was held in Lahore and Jawaharlal Nehru was elected as the President of the Congress Party. During that sessions a resolution demanding India's independence was passed and on January 26, 1930 in Lahore, Jawaharlal Nehru unfurled free India's flag. Gandhiji gave a call for Civil Disobedience Movement in 1930. The movement was a great success and forced British Government to acknowledge the need for major political reforms.
When the British promulgated the Government of India Act 1935, the Congress Party decided to contest elections. Nehru stayed out of the elections, but campaigned vigorously nationwide for the party. The Congress formed governments in almost every province, and won the largest number of seats in the Central Assembly. Nehru was elected to the Congress presidency in 1936, 1937, and 1946, and came to occupy a position in the nationalist movement second only to that of Gandhi. Jawaharlal Nehru was arrested in 1942 during Quit India Movement. Released in 1945, he took a leading part in the negotiations that culminated in the emergence of the dominions of India and Pakistan in August 1947.
Nehru As Prime Minister
In 1947, he became the first Prime Minister of independent India. He effectively coped with the formidable challenges of those times:
- the disorders and mass exodus of minorities across the new border with Pakistan
- the integration of 500-odd princely states into the Indian Union,
- and the establishment of the political and administrative infrastructure for a parliamentary democracy.
Jawaharlal Nehru played a key role in building modern India. He set up a Planning Commission, encouraged development of science and technology, and launched three successive five-year plans. His policies led to a sizable growth in agricultural and industrial production. Nehru also played a major role in developing independent India's foreign policy. He called for liquidation of colonialism in Asia and Africa and along with Tito and Nasser, was one of the chief architects of the nonaligned movement. He played a constructive, mediatory role in bringing the Korean War to an end and in resolving other international crises, such as those over the Suez Canal and the Congo, offering India's services for conciliation and international policing. He contributed behind the scenes toward the solution of several other explosive issues, such as those of West Berlin, Austria, and Laos.
But Jawahar Lal Nehru couldn't improve India's relations with Pakistan and China. The Kashmir issue proved a stumbling block in reaching an accord with Pakistan, and the border dispute prevented a resolution with China. The Chinese invasion in 1962, which Nehru failed to anticipate, came as a great blow to him and probably hastened his death. Jawaharlal Nehru died of a heart attack on May 27, 1964.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
June 25th Top Ten Headlines
- Over 40 airports running without a safety licence
- Jail for vendors who ripen fruits with chemicals
- Govt rejects Congress MP Jindal's power project
- India beat Sri Lanka to win Asia Cup
- World Cup: Holders Italy knocked out by Slovakia
- Plan panel for hoarding grain to curb subsidy?
- Bhopal tragedy: Centre announces Rs1266cr package
- Foreign secys set talks table for ministers
- Apple iPhone 4 makes glitzy debut
- Salman's singing praises of Pakistani singing
- Thrill-seeking leads to workplace affairs
- Consensual flirting can get dangerous
- Nothing dramatic expected from Indo-Pak talks: Krishna
- Katrina's sprained in Spain!
- Cabinet decides on rupee sign today
- Honour killing: Govt mulls ordinance to rein in khaps
- 9 Hottest 3G phones in India
- Ninan's World
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
June 23rd Top Ten Headlines
- Home ministry recommends death for Afzal Guru: Sources
- China to go ahead with plans to build nuclear reactors in Pakistan
- Army colonel killed in Kashmir encounter
- Victim of Maoists gets Rs 1 lakh, nothing for cop-hit
- France, South Africa out of football World Cup
- Shoddy samosa & shawl show at Shanghai Expo
- Debate: Is there any honour in killing for 'honour'?
- BJP wants JD(U), but not loss of face
- Hunger rising in South Asia, finds UN report
- John to play villain again
- SRK advised to do a Shakira!
- What's a consensual flirtatious relationship?
- Just broke up? Get a haircut to feel better
- Priyanka back in Shahid's life
- Delhi University first cutoff list
- Box Office: Raavan fails to get an epic opening
- India to turn heat on China-Pak nuclear deal
- Horror killings: 3 murders in 48 hours in Delhi
- Govt planning Rs 3400cr package for Naxal-hit districts
- Jha owes me a party: Katrina
- Home ministry recommends death for Afzal Guru: Sources
- China to go ahead with plans to build nuclear reactors in Pakistan
- Army colonel killed in Kashmir encounter
- Victim of Maoists gets Rs 1 lakh, nothing for cop-hit
- France, South Africa out of football World Cup
- Shoddy samosa & shawl show at Shanghai Expo
- Debate: Is there any honour in killing for 'honour'?
- BJP wants JD(U), but not loss of face
- Hunger rising in South Asia, finds UN report
- John to play villain again
- SRK advised to do a Shakira!
- What's a consensual flirtatious relationship?
- Just broke up? Get a haircut to feel better
- Priyanka back in Shahid's life
- Delhi University first cutoff list
- Box Office: Raavan fails to get an epic opening
- India to turn heat on China-Pak nuclear deal
- Horror killings: 3 murders in 48 hours in Delhi
- Govt planning Rs 3400cr package for Naxal-hit districts
- Jha owes me a party: Katrina
Saturday, June 19, 2010
June 19th Top Ten Headlines
- Bin Ladin group to become Maytas Infra co-promoter
- Nitish snubs Modi, returns Gujarat's flood relief money
- Bhopal GoM discusses legal options
- Massive scam unearthed in rail recruitment
- China's positive ratings dip 9% in India
- FIFA WC: Netherlands lead 1-0 over Japan
- Common engineering, pre-medical test from 2011
- UP youth's cross-border rendezvous derailed
- Is this the largest family under one roof?
- ‘I’m not a nun: Sonam
- Catch the absentee dad
- Rekha breaks ice with Jaya Bachchan
- Shakira enters Bollywood
- MNS stops Pak comedian from shooting
- Book a date with dad on Father's Day
- Indian student's murder: Australian teen arrested
- Bonanza ahead for taxpayers, hints Pranab
- CBI unearths Railway recruitment scam
- Carbide plant saw 3 mishaps before gas tragedy
- 2nd Australian teen charged in Nitin Garg's murder
Project on disaster management for nineth standard
Various disasters like earthquake, landslides, volcanic eruptions, fires, flood and cyclones are natural hazards that kill thousands of people and destroy billions of dollars of habitat and property each year.
With the tropical climate and unstable land forms, coupled with deforestation, unplanned growth proliferation non-engineered constructions which make the disaster-prone areas mere vulnerable, tardy communication, poor or no budgetary allocation for disaster prevention, developing countries suffer more or less chronically by natural disasters
India has been traditionally vulnerable to natural disasters on account of
its unique geo-climatic conditions. Floods, droughts, cyclones, earthquakes and
landslides have been a recurrent phenomena.
About 60% of the landmass is prone to earthquakes of various intensities; over 40 million hectares is prone to floods; about 8% of the total area is prone to cyclones and 68% of the area is susceptible to drought.
In the decade 1990-2000, an average of about 4344 people lost their lives and about 30 million people were affected by disasters every year. The loss in terms of private, community and public assets has been astronomical
India has been very vulnerable to natural hazards and calamities. The Bhuj
earthquake accounted for 13805 deaths, the super cyclone in Orissa accounted for
9885 deaths.
At the global level, there has been considerable concern over natural
disasters. Even as substantial scientific and material progress is made, the loss of
lives and property due to disasters has not decreased. In fact, the human toll and
economic losses have mounted.Over the past couple of years, the Government of India have brought about a paradigm shift in the approach to disaster management.
The steps being taken by the Government covers institutional mechanisms, disaster prevention strategy, early warning system, disaster mitigation, preparedness and response and human resource development.Let’s see in detail about the role of government/non-government agencies in disaster management in further pages
Main types of Disasters
Drought is the single most important weather- related natural disaster often aggravated by human action. Drought's beginning is subtle, its progress is insidious and its effects can be devastating. Drought may start any time, last indefinitely and attain many degrees of severity
drought is a frequent phenomenon over many parts of India. In India, thirty three percent of the area receives less than 750mm rainfall and is chronically drought-prone, and thirty five percent of the area with 750-1125mm rainfall is also subject to drought once in four to five years.
Thus, 68 percent of the total sown area covering about 142 million hectares are vulnerable to drought conditions. India has faced three major droughts in this century- 1904-1905,1965-66 and 1986-87. The 1987 drought had a lasting impact on one-third of the country.
The intense tropical storms are known in different part of the world by different names. In the Pacific ocean, they are called 'typhoons', in the Indian ocean they are called 'cyclones' and over North Atlantic, they are called 'hurricane'.
Among various natural calamaties, tropical cyclones are known to claim a higher share of deaths and distruction world over. Records show that about 80 tropical cyclones form over the globe every year. India has a vast coast line which is frequently affected by tropical cyclones causing heavy loss of human lives and property.
Cyclones occurs usually between April and May (called pre-monsoon cyclonic storms) and between October and December (called post-monsoon cyclonic storms). While cyclonic storms can't be prevented, the loss of lives and damage to the properties can be mitigated if prompt action is taken after receiving timely warnings.
India is the worst flood-affected country in the world after Bangladesh and accounts for one-fifth of the global death count due to floods. About 40 million hectares or nearly 1/8th of India's geographical area is flood-prone. An estimated 8 million hectares of land are affected annually. The cropped area affected annually ranges from 3.5 million ha during normal floods to 10 million ha during worst flood.
Earthquakes are caused by the abrupt release of strain that has built up in the earth's crust. Most zones of maximum earthquake intensity and frequency occur at the boundaries between the moving plates that form the crust of the earth.
Volcanic Eruption
Many times precursors of volcanic eruptions have been observed in various areas of volcanic activity. Ground deformations, changes in the compositions of gases emitting from volcanic vents, changes in the temperatures of fumaroles, hot springs and crater lakes as well as earth tremors are preceding volcanic eruptions. Thermal infrared remote sensing has been applied for volcanic hazard assessment.
Aerial photographs and large-scale satellite images have been used to locate the areas with the incidence of landslide. Higher spatial resolution and stereo imaging capability of IRS -IC and -1D enable further refining the location and monitoring of landslides.
A number of studies have been carried out in India using satellite data and aerial photographs to develop appropriate methodologies for terrain classification and preparation of maps showing landslide hazards in the Garhwal Himalayan region, Nilagiri hills in south India and in Sikkim forest area. Such studies have been carried out using mostly aerial photographs because of their high resolution enabling contour mapping with intervals of better than 2m in height.
Role of Government functionaries in Disaster Management
Disaster management is a multidisciplinary activity involving a number of a number of Departments/agencies spanning across all sectors of development.
The Government of India is working with the State Governments to restructure the Departments of Relief & Rehabilitation into Departments of Disaster Management with an enhanced area of responsibility to include mitigation and preparedness apart from their present responsibilities of relief and rehabilitation.
The changeover has already happened in 11 States/UTs - Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan Tamil Nadu, Uttaranchal, Nagaland, Andaman & Nicobar Administration, Sikkim and Lakshadweep. The change is under process in other States.
Similarly, sub-divisional and Block/Taluka level Disaster Management
Committees are also being constituted. At the village level Disaster Management
Committees and Disaster Management Teams are being constituted.
Each village in multi-hazard prone district will have a Disaster Management Plan. The process of drafting the plans at all levels has already begun. The Disaster Management
Committee which draws up the plans consists of elected representatives at the
village level, local authorities; Government functionaries including
doctors/paramedics of primary health centres located in the village, primary school
teachers etc.
The plan encompasses prevention, mitigation and preparedness
measures. The Disaster Management Teams at the village level will consist of
members of youth organisations like Nehru Yuvak Kendra and other nongovernmental
organisations as well as able bodied volunteers from the village.
The teams are provided basic training in evacuation, evacuation, search and
rescue, first aid trauma counseling etc. The Disaster Management Committee will
review the disaster management plan at least once in a year.
It would also generate awareness among the people in the village about dos’ and don’ts for specific hazards depending on the vulnerability of the village. A large number of
village level Disaster Management Committees and Disaster Management Teams
have already been constituted.
Responsibilities of Authority
When a disaster strikes, the Authority will coordinate
disaster management activities. The Authority will be responsible for:-
• Providing necessary support and assistance to State Governments by way of
resource data, macro-management of emergency response, specialized
emergency response teams, sharing of disaster related data base etc.
• Coordinating/mandating Government’s policies for disaster
• Ensuring adequate preparedness at all levels
• Coordinating response to a disaster when it strikes
• Assisting the Provincial Government in coordinating post disaster relief and
• Coordinating resources of all National Government Department/agencies
• Monitor and introduce a culture of building requisite features of disaster
mitigation in all development plans and programmes.
• Any other issues of work, which may be entrusted to it by the Government.
Policy on disaster management
The broad features of the draft national policy on disaster management are
enunciated below:-
i) A holistic and pro-active approach towards prevention, mitigation and
preparedness will be adopted for disaster management.
ii) Each Ministry/Department of the Central/State Government will set
apart an appropriate quantum of funds under the Plan for specific
schemes/projects addressing vulnerability reduction and preparedness.
iii) Where there is a shelf of projects, projects addressing mitigation will be
given priority. Mitigation measures shall be built into the on-going
iv) Each project in a hazard prone area will have mitigation as an essential
term of reference. The project report will include a statement as to how
the project addresses vulnerability reduction.
v) Community involvement and awareness generation, particularly that of
the vulnerable segments of population and women has been emphasized
as necessary for sustainable disaster risk reduction. This is a critical
component of the policy since communities are the first responders to
disasters and, therefore, unless they are empowered and made capable
of managing disasters, any amount of external support cannot lead to
optimal results.
vi) There will be close interaction with the corporate sector, nongovernmental
organisations and the media in the national efforts for
disaster prevention/vulnerability reduction.
vii) Institutional structures/appropriate chain of command will be built up
and appropriate training imparted to disaster managers at various levels
to ensure coordinated and quick response at all levels; and development
of inter-State arrangements for sharing of resources during emergencies.
viii) A culture of planning and preparedness is to be inculcated at all levels
for capacity building measures.
ix) Standard operating procedures and disaster management plans at state
and district levels as well as by relevant central government departments
for handling specific disasters will be laid down.
x) Construction designs must correspond to the requirements as laid down
in relevant Indian Standards.
xi) All lifeline buildings in seismic zones III, IV & V – hospitals, railway
stations, airports/airport control towers, fire station buildings, bus stands
Disaster Management in India - A Status Report 12
major administrative centres will need to be evaluated and, if necessary,
xii) The existing relief codes in the States will be revised to develop them
into disaster management codes/manuals for institutionalizing the
planning process with particular attention to mitigation and
xiii) To promote international cooperation in the area of disaster response,
preparedness, and mitigation in tune with national strategic goals and
Mitigation measures
To cope up with the government’s policy, mitigation measures are being taken for various hazardous disasters.
Principal Secretary of ministry of home affairs explans about the steps being taken by National Disaster Management Division.
He said that, ‘In order to respond effectively to
floods, Ministry of Home Affairs have initiated National Disaster Risk
Management Programme in all the flood-prone States. Assistance is being
provided to the States to draw up disaster management plans at the State, District,
Block/Taluka and Village levels. Awareness generation campaigns to sensitize
the all the stakeholders on the need for flood preparedness and mitigation
A comprehensive programme has been taken up for earthquake risk mitigation. Although, the BIS (Bureau of Indian Standard) has laid down the standards for construction in the seismic zones, these were not being followed.
The building construction in urban and suburban areas is regulated by the Town
and Country Planning Acts and Building Regulations. In many cases, the Building
regulations do not incorporate the BIS codes.
Even where they do, the lack of knowledge regarding seismically safe construction among the architects and engineers as well as lack of awareness regarding their vulnerability among the population led to most of the construction in the urban/sub-urban areas being without reference to BIS standards.
In the rural areas, the bulk of the housing is non-engineered construction. The mode of construction in the rural areas has also changed from mud and thatch to brick and concrete construction thereby increasing the vulnerability.
The increasing population has led to settlements in vulnerable areas close to the river bed areas which are prone to liquefaction. The Government have moved to address these issues.
The States have been advised to constitute Hazard Safety Cells (HSC) headed by the Chief Engineer, State PWD with necessary engineering staff so as to establish mechanism for proper implementation of the building codes in all future Govt. constructions, and to ensures the safety of buildings and structures from various hazards.
The HSCs will also be responsible for carrying out appropriate design review of all
Government buildings to be constructed in the State, act as an advisory cell to the
State Government on the different aspects of building safety against hazards and
act as a consultant to the State Government for retrofitting of the lifeline buildings.
A National Core Group on Cyclone Monitoring & Mitigation has been constituted. Experts from Indian Meteorological Department, National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting, Central Water Commission, National Remote Sensing Agency and
Indian Space Research Organisation have been made the Members of the Core
Group, besides administrators from the relevant Ministries/Departments and State
Governments vulnerable to cyclones.
The Group has been assigned the responsibility of looking at warning protocols for cyclones; coordination mechanism between different Central and State
Ministries/Departments/Organisations; mechanism for dissemination of warning to
the local people and; cyclone mitigation measures required to be taken for the
coastal States.
The Group will also suggest short-term and long-term measures on
technology up-gradation. The cyclone warning formats have been revised to
ensure that the warning is more meaningful to the community at risk. A project
has been taken up with the United States for upgradation of models for cyclone
track prediction’
Awareness generation
Recognizing that awareness about vulnerabilities is a sine qua non for inducing a mindset of disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness, the Government has initiated a nation-wide awareness generation campaign as part of its overall disaster risk management strategy.
In order to devise an effective and holistic campaign, a steering committee for mass media campaign has been constituted at the national level with due representation of
experts from diverse streams of communication.
The Committee has formulated a campaign strategy aimed at changing peoples’ perception of natural hazards and has consulted the agencies and experts associated with advertising and media to instill a culture of safety against natural hazards.
Apart from the use of print and electronic media, it is proposed to utilize
places with high public visibility viz. hospitals, schools, railway stations and bus
terminals, airports and post offices, commercial complexes and municipality
offices etc. to make people aware of their vulnerabilities and promote creation of a
safe living environment.
A novel method being tried is the use of government stationery viz. postal
letters, bank stationery, railway tickets, airline boarding cards and tickets etc. for
disseminating the message of disaster risk reduction.
Slogans and messages for this purpose have already been developed and have been communicated to concerned Ministries/agencies for printing and dissemination. The mass media campaign will help build the knowledge, attitude and skills of the people in
vulnerability reduction and sustainable disaster risk management measures.
Disaster Awareness in School Curriculum: Disaster management as a
subject in Social Sciences has been introduced in the school curriculum for Class
VIII & IX. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) which has
introduced the curriculum runs a very large number of schools throughout the
country and the course curriculum is invariably followed by the State Boards of
Secondary Education.
CBSE have been advised to include basic disaster related material in text
books for classes 8th, 9th and 10th – the basic dos and don’ts / precaution to
be taken etc. State Government may advise their Secondary Boards of
Education to include similar in their text books
Teachers are being trained to teach disaster management Syllabus for Class X is being finalized and will be introduced in the course curriculum soon.
The State Governments have been advised to take similar steps
vis-à-vis their school boards. Several States Governments have already introduced
the same curriculum in Class VIII.
Ministry is working with the Council of Board
of School Education (COBSE) to facilitate inclusion of disaster management in
public education in all 39 School Boards in the country.
Information, Education and Communication
In order to assist the State Governments in capacity building and awareness generation activities and to learn from past experiences including sharing of best practices, the Ministry of Home Affairs has compiled/prepared a set of resource materials developed by various organisations/institutions to be replicated and disseminated by State Governments
based on their vulnerabilities after translating it into the local languages.
The voluminous material which runs into about 10000 pages has been divided into 4
broad sections in 7 volumes. These sections cover planning to cope with disasters;
education and training; construction toolkit; and information, education and
communication toolkit including multi-media resources on disaster mitigation and
The Planning section contains material for analyzing a community’s
risk, development of Preparedness. Mitigation and disaster management plans,
coordinating available resources and implementing measures for risk reduction.
Model bye-laws, DM Policy, Act and model health sector plan have also been
included. Education and Training includes material for capacity building and
upgradation of skills of policy makers, administrators, trainers, engineers etc. in
planning for and mitigating against natural disasters.
Basic and detailed training modules in disaster preparedness have been incorporated along with training methodologies for trainers, for community preparedness and manuals for training at district, block, panchayat and village levels.
For creating a disaster-resistant building environment, the Construction Toolkit addresses the issue of seismic resistant construction and retrofitting of existing buildings. BIS Codes, manuals and guidelines for RCC, Masonry and other construction methodologies as also for repair and retrofitting of masonry and low-rise buildings have been included.
The IEC material seeks to generate awareness to induce mitigation and
preparedness measures for risk reduction. Material and strategies used by various
States and international organizations, including tips on different hazards, have
been incorporated along with multi-media CDs on disasters.
The material has been disseminated to all the State Governments/UT Administrations with the request to have the relevant material, based on the vulnerability of each district, culled out, translated into local languages and disseminate widely down to the village level.
The message being put across is that, in order to move towards safer and sustainable national development, development projects should be sensitive towards disaster mitigation.
Our mission is vulnerability reduction to all types of hazards, be it natural
or manmade. This is not an easy task to achieve, keeping in view the vast
population, and the multiple natural hazards to which this country is exposed.
However, if we are firm in our conviction and resolve that the Government and the
people of this country are not prepared to pay the price in terms of massive
casualties and economic losses, the task, though difficult, is achievable and we
shall achieve it.
India’s vision 2020 is to build a safer and secure India through sustained
collective effort, synergy of national capacities and people’s participation. What
looks a dream today will be transformed into reality in the next two decades.
This is our goal and we shall strive to achieve this goal with a missionary zeal. The path
ahead, which looks difficult today, will become a lot easier as we move along
Role of Space Technology
Space systems from their vantage position have unambiguously demonstrated their capability in providing vital information and services for disaster management ( Fig.1).The Earth Observation satellites provide comprehensive, synoptic and multi temporal coverage of large areas in real time and at frequent intervals and 'thus' - have become valuable for continuous monitoring of atmospheric as well as surface parameters related to natural disasters(Table-1). Geo-stationary satellites provide continuous and synoptic observations over large areas on weather including cyclone-monitoring. Polar orbiting satellites have the advantage of providing much higher resolution imageries, even though at low temporal frequency, which could be used for detailed monitoring, damage assessment and long-term relief management. The vast capabilities of communication satellites are available for timely dissemination of early warning and real-time coordination of relief operations. The advent of Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSAT) and Ultra Small Aperture Terminals (USAT) and phased - array antennae have enhanced the capability further by offering low cost, viable technological solutions towards management and mitigation of disasters. Satellite communication capabilities-fixed and mobile are vital for effective communication, especially in data collection, distress alerting, position location and co-ordinating relief operations in the field. In addition, Search and Rescue satellites provide capabilities such as position determination facilities onboard which could be useful in a variety of land, sea and air distress situations.
Monday, June 14, 2010
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